How To Delete a Highlight or Bookmark

If you wish to delete a highlight in Bluefire Reader, you can do so from the bookmarks section of the in-book menu.


  1. Open the book you want to delete the annotation from.
  2. Tap the center of the screen to bring up reading options.
  3. Select Bookmarks.
  4. In the Bookmarks menu, select the overflow menu in the upper right (3 dots stacked on each other).
  5. Select Delete Bookmark.
  6. Select the annotation you wish to delete.
  7. Select Done in the upper left corner when finished.


  1. Open the book you want to delete the annotation from.
  2. Tap the center of the screen to bring up reading options.
  3. Select Bookmarks.
  4. Swipe left on the bookmark/highlight you want to delete
  5. Tap the red "delete" button


1. Open the book you want to delete the annotation from.

2. Select Notes & Bookmarks.

3. Right-click on the note and select "Delete" from the menu.

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